Music for The Soul

Tinggi tinggi Gunung Kinabalu

That favorite local song of the mountain goes:

Tinggi Tinggi Gunung Kinabalu

Tinggi lagi saying sama kamu

Biru biru hujung Kinabalu

Tengok dari jauh, Hati saya rindu

Kinabalu dekat di-Kundasang

Banyak sayur boleh pilih pilih

Apa guna pergi luar negeri

Naik Kinabalu, hati saya rindu

Sumandak sumandak pun ramai menunggu

Menari-nari lenggeng sumayau

Sekali melihat melepak kulit nya

Saya jatuh cinta

Saya sayang sayang Kinabalu

Kaamatan pesta bulan lima

Sayang sayang kita pergi tamu

Jalan Tamparuli Hati saya rindu

The words of the song reflect the affection that the locals have for this great mountain. As we look at it in the distance, it beckons to us to climb and to conquer. Then as we scale the massive slopes, we realize that we can never really conquer that great mountain.

Our privilege is to really be a part of it for awhile and to know that we have had a chance to share in its wonderful ambience. That’s how life should be. The best of us knows that our own lives are like a fleeting vapour – here for a while and then it is gone. That is why humility leaves such an endearing mark. There are no scars in humility, only goodness and fellowship.

Tan Sri left us this indelible impression in our lives and we came away fortified by his humanity and kindness.

Our lives are made up of memories and highlights and for those of us who were there over 15-18 July with Tan Sri Azman Hashim, we can only say we were truly blessed. The footsteps that each of us leave behind are what counts. This legacy of humility will go on with us for a long time and we will remember Tan Sri with great fondness and a sense of great friendship